Welcome to our classroom. I enjoyed meeting many of you at Open House. We are off to a great start in 4th grade. This is an awesome group of students and I can't wait to see how much they will grow this year. To stay updated on events in class, please subscribe to our classroom website. You will also be able to sign up for a parent Edmodo account to see the assignments your child has in class. We will talk more about this at parent night on August 20th at 6PM.
There are a few changes in the parent/student handbook this year that you may wish to review. Please return the front page with your child as soon as possible.
-First, birthdays will be celebrated in class, but students may no longer bring in food or treats. Students may bring in pencils, erasers, or a book for the class if they wish. We will celebrate birthdays once a month and they will be posted on our class calendar on the website. We will celebrate with extra recess time and warm wishes for the students celebrating.
-Students should leave all toys, trading cards, purses, personal items at home. The handbook even mentions sports equipment. We have equipment at school that the students can use. The goal is to minimize distractions and protect students personal belongings. However, students who are chosen for treasure hunter of the month will have the opportunity to bring in 3-5 items to share with the class.
-Please review the dress code requirements with your child. Shorts must be longer than the fingertips when arms are at the child's side. Tank tops need to be three fingers wide. If it is smaller, a sweater or other top must be worn with it to cover it. Hats may be brought to school, but must be taken off when your child is indoors.
This week we will be starting to switch classes for math and reading. Students will learn about the 40 Book Challenge, take the Dibels reading test, and begin assessments for reading and math. Homework this week will consist of reading 30 minutes every night and working on their treasure hunter poster. I will be sending that home on Tuesday night and it will be due in class next Monday.
Thanks for all your help and support! I am looking forward to a great year together! If you ever have any questions, email is the best way to reach me.
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